Tuesday, February 7

It's been awhile... My bad!

Writing this morning to check in. I have a post in the works that will be informative and awesome... as always! ;-)

One thing I took away from the raw lecture I attended so long ago was that regular fasting can be a good way to re-start/ refresh the body.  He suggested doing it once a week or even on a full moon or new moon (which is about every month).  I decided back then to fast on every new moon as a way to start off fresh... new, even. So today is the day! I have 3 liters of coconut water and unlimited sources of water that I will be chugging today.  My tummy has been acting up lately so I hope this will make everything feel normal again (fingers crossed).

I love coconut water by the way. LOVE!

Coconut water has long been a prevalent drink in the tropical countries, Latin America, and Southeast Asia, where it is widely available as a fresh fruit, or in can or bottle. It is fat-free, cholesterol-free, and low in calories – but high in nutrients and electrolytes.  Coconut water is high potassium content and contains antioxidants linked to a variety of health benefits.

Electrolyte is a "medical/scientific" term for salts, specifically ions.
In your body, the major electrolytes are as follows:
  • sodium (Na+)                 chloride (Cl-)
  • potassium (K+)             calcium (Ca2+)
  • magnesium (Mg2+)         bicarbonate (HCO3-)
  • phosphate (PO42-)          sulfate (SO42-)
Sweat= Water, minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, etc), lactate, and urea

Potassium is good for:
1.     Balancing the PH of the body
2.     Water balance in the body
3.     Normal muscle growth
4.     Healthy nervous system and brain function

Sources: 1, 2, 3
As an aside, I suspect that bread/ grains are messing up my tummy.  I did a tiny bit of research on gluten free diets, but need to learn more. I really am not trying to add one more excluded food group to my diet... but for no more uncomfortable tummy troubles?  I just may have to sacrifice..

 Stay tuned!