A lot has happened since my last post:
- moved into my own apartment (EVER... alone)
- started 2 (not 1) volleyball leagues- that keeps me sane
- and oh yeh, I've decided to do a figure competition
::tire screeching::
Yup... a form of female body building. I researched/ stalked all websites pertaining to figure competitions and decided that my gym training needs an end goal. I need something to strive for, something to attain, something to feel good about. So after about 2 months of really going hard in the gym and tracking my food, I found a local posing coach and got a consultation. I was pleasantly surprised when she said my body was decent enough to do a bikini competition in a few weeks... but I want to push myself so she recommended another 12-16 weeks for a figure competition.
Bodybuilding for women is broken down into categories:
1. bikini- though more body fat and less muscle definition, theses girls clearly work hard to stay in shape
2. figure- (what I will be competing in) a lot less body fat with a focus on deltoids, V-taper (lat spread), outer thigh sweep (vastus lateralis), and small waist
3. physique- less body fat, muscle striation, vascular, muscle separation
4. body builders- ... well- you get where this is going
So I am super excited and have been at this for a month now (11 weeks out).
I will try to post my progress!