Thursday, January 5

5 Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW (or in 5 mins) to Improve Your Health At Work

If you are like me, you spend 8 hours a day in front of a computer screen and lustfully look outside your window for amusement. The time we spend at work makes up the majority of our day so why not make it a little healthier?  As your Account Manager, I recommend you try a few of my tips to stay healthy and fit at work.

1. Drink water (ALL DAY LONG). Make it a competition with yourself to drink at least ½ your body weight in ounces everyday.  If you know you will be out and about after work, try to get in ¾ of that number before you leave. 

For instance if you weigh 160lbs, you will need to eventually drink 80oz of water that day, but try to down AT LEAST 60oz before heading out.  I do this by using large reusable water jugs that hold 32 oz of water.  My daily goal, since I workout before work is to finish 2.5-3 jugs before I head home.  I also try to keep my jug in front of me next to the computer monitor so I remember to drink up.
See how many days out of the week you can accomplish this and reward yourself with a non-edible prize (like a manicure or a new DVD).

2. Stand up. Studies show that the more active we are throughout the day, the more mental clarity, circulation, and alertness we can achieve.  Get up. Go for a walk. Get more water (see above ;-).  JUST MOVE! 

I have been guilty of sitting in one spot ALL DAY LONG several times. Without the help of my coffee loving colleague, I probably would never move from my seat. We usually go get coffee/ tea or get her lunch at a nearby shop. Even if I don’t buy anything, the fact that I moved is good enough for me.

See tips 3-5 after the jump...

3. Plan tonight’s dinner/ dessert/ snack.  Unless you already have things prepared, sometimes I find it fun to take 10 mins to Google a recipe.  My favorite website at the moment is VegWeb.  It is a vegetarian/ vegan community discussion board full of tasty recipes and reviews of how they turned out. If I crave a sweet treat when I get home, I just go to type in an ingredient I happen to have a lot of or a taste I crave and up pops pages of tasty treats.

4. STREEEEETTTTTCCHHHHH. Yeh.  I need to be better at this myself.  Stretching increases blow flow and oxygen to your limbs and brain.  Sometimes you just need to stand up and do a yoga pose…  If you work in a cubicle, go to the bathroom and stretch it out in the handicap stall (you may laugh now, but it’s better than looking “unprofessional” in front of certain people).

5. Keep your food/ snacks out of sight.  I find that when my food is in the kitchen, I think twice about going to get it rather than if it is on my desk.  Out of sight out of mind- out of reach… naw nevermind!!

So those are my tips for staying healthy at work! Have a great Thursday…

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