Sunday, January 1

I like it RAW (EW for the nasty minds!)

So resolutions kind of piss me off… wait for it.

I really don’t  understand why people have to wait for a specific day to change their life around. Starting as soon as you have the resources is always best. Immediately implement your game plan and don’t beat yourself up if it doesn’t work out. Stressing over failures isn’t worth the mental strain and physiological changes your body goes through. I am reading a book right now called When the Body Says NO: Exploring the Stress-Disease Connection by Gabore Mate, MD.  More about the book later…

In an attempt to reset my body for the New Year, I want to eat uncooked, unprocessed, clean foods for one week. If all goes well, I want incorporate 3-7 days a month of complete raw eating.

BUT (there is always a but) I wanted to attempt 7 days of raw eating for the 1st week of Janurary. That means nothing cooked over 112-115 degrees.  Now I am already vegan, so eating raw really means not cooking things to death. The only problem I foresee is not being able to make my grains (brown rice, quinoa, millet, amaranth, etc.). But for a week, I should survive.  I will supplement my protein with hemp protein and nuts mostly.

Today I bought my ingredients for the week which included salad stuff, my smoothie stuff (my Vitamix is my baby and a lifesaver) and snacks. After spending $70.00…


Yeah $70 is a lot of money. My normal weekly food budget is $40, so I swallowed my pride and paid. My plan is to eat 1-2 salads a day, 24-48oz of green smoothies or 24oz of raw vegetable juice and snack on fresh and dried fruit. And finally, I will be clearing everything out with about 100oz AS MUCH water a day that I can tolerate (ambitious, I know).

SO I will check in again later in the week for an update. Stay tuned and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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